Home Birth Services


A Licensed Midwife specializes in evidence base, low risk, out-of-hospital care with an emphasis on a holistic approach for mothers and babies. We believe birth is a normal, physiological process but provide regular prenatal and postpartum care in order to address any issues that might come up. We practice independently from a hospital and are certified in CPR, neonatal resuscitation, administration of routine antibiotics and antihemorrhagics, and evaluating routine vital signs. 


  • In depth initial intake for health history

  • Routine, hour long prenatal visits that are once a month until 28 weeks, every 2 weeks until 37 weeks, then weekly until your baby is born 

  • Evidenced based clinical assessments (blood pressure, pulse, fetal growth, fetal heart tones, fetal position check, and fluid levels) 

  • Individualized prenatal education based on the best available evidence

  • In-house routine lab work

  • Ultrasound referrals

  • Nutrition & supplement counseling

  • Informed decision education and family based autonomy

  • Doula, chiropractor, & other local recourse recommendations

  • Family centered with the goal of building trust


  • On call 24-7 beginning at 37 weeks gestation

  • Every birth is attended by the midwife as well as a student midwife or birth assistant (who are also certified in CPR and Neonatal Resuscitation) 

  • Will monitor vitals/well being of both mom & baby intermittently

  • Facilitate a low-stress birth environment while encouraging your active participation and informed decision making in all aspects of your care

  • Freedom to move and birth in your desired location & position, eating and drinking encouraged in labor

  • Access to our birth pool for labor and delivery, if desired

  • Assessing need for a timely higher level of care should a transfer to the hospital become necessary

  • Monitoring transition in the immediate postpartum for mom & baby, initiating hemorrhage protocol or resuscitation assistance, as needed

  • Encouraging skin-to-skin bonding time, delayed cord clamping, and minimal interruptions between parents & baby

  • Comprehensive newborn exam, including newborn medications (vitamin K and erythromycin eye ointment), if desired

  • Breastfeeding Support


  • 6 weeks of postpartum care (covering topics of lochia, vitals, mental health, feeding, long term postpartum recovery {such as assessment for diastasis and pelvic floor healing, referrals to pelvic floor physical therapy, exercise, etc}, family planning counseling, and more)

  • 6 weeks of well-baby care (assessing jaundice, elimination, feeding, growth, etc)

  • Postpartum visits at 24-48 hours after birth, two weeks, and six weeks postpartum

  • Newborn metabolic screening, critical congenital heart defects screening, and hearing screening

  • Lactation support and referral to specialists, if needed

  • Pediatrician recommendation and referrals

  • Screening, education, and support for postpartum depression and mood disorders

  • Filing of birth certificate & social security card

  • Postpartum labs (pap-smear, blood work, etc)

  • Post-birth reflection check-in

  • 24-hr Emergency Midwife Call Service