Virtual Midwifery Coaching

Have you ever stared at a positive pregnancy test with so many questions it seemed debilitating? Have you heard about home births and birth centers and all sorts of OBGYNs and have no idea what would be the best for you? Have you walked out of an appointment with more questions than answers? Have you had a birth experience you don't want to repeat, but have no idea where to start? 

I have heard from women time and time again who say:

  • “I don’t know who to use for care”

  • “I don’t know what questions to ask”

  • “There isn’t time in my appointments to ask the questions I have”

  • “I felt so unprepared for what delivery actually was”

  • “I don’t know what is normal or abnormal with my baby and I’m not sure who to ask”

  • "I just need someone to talk to"

And I want to help fill in those gaps!

Let me help you have a pregnancy, birth, and postpartum where you feel educated and prepared - rather than overwhelmed and confused. My goal is to clarify, educate, and provide resources for you to trust birth and have the experience you desire through virtual midwifery coaching

Midwives are experts in normal healthy pregnancy, and I have a special interest in patient education and informed consent. I have counseled hundreds of pregnant women on the best science and latest research to help them make healthy decisions.

These virtual sessions cover some of the most common topics that arise during pregnancy. You will get a midwife's perspective on them, learn about your options, and come away feeling empowered and ready to advocate for yourself and baby.

**These are educational sessions, not medical care, and are to be used in addition to prenatal care you receive from your midwife or OB.**

Some of the MANY topics that might be covered:

  • What provider & setting is the right fit

  • Childbirth education types and methods

  • Safe foods & exercise in pregnancy

  • Forming a list of questions for your provider

  • Rh- blood type, advanced maternal age, high BMI, previous cesarean, etc

  • Common discomforts & complaints

  • What kind of support are you and your partner in need of

  • Resources in your area

  • Gestational diabetes testing, GBS testing, routine labs, etc. 

  • Fetal positioning, preparing your body for birth, etc

  • Creating a birth plan

  • Preparing for questions to ask & decisions to make in labor

  • Fears of childbirth & being a mother

  • Signs of labor

  • Enjoying this season of life

  • Processing previous birth experiences

  • Birth debriefing

  • Postpartum support

  • Standard newborn care / medications

  • Long-term recovery

Every woman deserves to have their questions answered, their concerns listened to,

and their choices prioritized.

the single


One 60 minute meeting

A very personalized meeting depending on what you need!

*Limit to one per family unit*

Could possibly cover:

  • choosing a provider

  • utilizing resources

  • birth preparation

  • postpartum preparation

  • birth debrief

  • newborn stage

  • etc

the mini


Three 60 minute meetings

Covering topics: 

  • general pregnancy (provider, supplements, exercise, nutrition, resources, etc)

  • birth (preparations, logistics of delivery, needed supplies, etc)

  • postpartum (preparing for the postpartum period, baby preparations, etc... OR could be a postpartum meeting to debrief birth)

*Can be tailored to specific discussion needs (we can chat more to determine what information / support you are in need of)

the main


Six 60 minute meetings (spanning prenatal / postpartum timeframe as needed)

Covering topics: 

  • general pregnancy (provider, supplements, exercise, nutrition, resources, etc)

  • birth (preparations, logistics of delivery, needed supplies, etc)

  • postpartum (preparing for the postpartum period, baby preparations, etc)

  • newborn (normal vs. abnormal, resources, support, etc)

  • weekly text check-in's spanning 38w--2w postpartum

*Can be tailored to specific discussion needs (we can chat more to determine what information / support you are in need of)

the mega


Ten 60 minute meetings (spanning prenatal / postpartum timeframe as needed)

Covering topics: 

  • general pregnancy (provider, supplements, exercise, nutrition, resources, etc)

  • birth (preparations, logistics of delivery, needed supplies, etc)

  • postpartum (preparing for the postpartum period, baby preparations, etc)

  • newborn (normal vs. abnormal, resources, support, etc)

  • longterm recovery / transition

  • weekly text check-in's spanning 38w--8w postpartum

  • personalized birth affirmation cards

*Can be tailored to specific discussion needs (we can chat more to determine what information / support you are in need of)